Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Icelandic Humor: Seeing the light during dark days

I have no idea why I did not think that the people of Iceland would have such amazing senses of humor. However, if you think about it, during half the year there is very little sunlight and you have to find laughter and lightness in your life to make the days shine during these days. The Icelanders we met were so fun and a joy to be with and the signs and artwork I saw around town and at our hotel made me truly appreciate their witty and silly humor. This is one of the many things I loved about the trip to Iceland.

"Is this mine or your seaman's hat?" I am pretty sure they realized how funny that sounds.

Small, but functional? Sure, this sign was just talking about the bathroom...

Just a father and son playing futbol in the street. Damn that car!

This sounds like something I might do...

This one was Gabby's favorite.


Just an FYI: This is not a Taco. And I am not sure it is edible.

Meal Replacement Replacement.
Still am not sure what the message is here. Does one pee here or not?

My friend, Woody.

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